On behalf of the President and Committee, we welcome you to the LRCQ Inc. website.
The Labrador Retriever Club of Queensland Inc. is a club devoted to the improvement
in quality of breeding, working and exhibiting of Labrador Retrievers.
The purpose of this website is not only to provide information to our members
throughout Queensland, Australia and Overseas but to provide information to all visitors
who are interested in and love the Labrador Retriever breed.
Many of our members are experienced breeders and exhibitors who further the Club's aims
by helping new owners to understand all aspects of Labrador Retriever management.
The Club conducts Retrieving Trials, an Open Show and a Championship Show each year.
LRCQ Inc. members and their dogs also regularly participate in Obedience,
Agility, Tracking Trials, RATG (Retrieving Ability Tests for gundogs) and Retrievings Trials.
LRCQ Inc. membership is open to anyone who subscribes to the objects and purposes of the Club. They may own a Pedigreed, Registered Labrador Retriever or you could simply be somebody interested in any of the Club activities listed.
Thanks for visiting our website – we do hope that you enjoy your time with us.
Note: some of our Website pages contain links to documents that are quite large.
Some of these documents may take a little longer to download.
Club Patron
A couple of photos from our recent Open Show where Milton came along and had some fun with the dogs.
Please read this alert from the National Labrador Retriever Breed Council (Australia).
It deals with very concerning evidence of the so-called Silver Coat colour emerging in our breed.
Please understand that this is not a new colour of Labrador Retriever.
It is simply evidence that the dog is a cross bred Labrador / Weimaraner combination.
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